Insulation Cap, detecting overheat

Overheat can be visually checkedby naked eyes without any equipment!


EYECAP changes its color to white when overheat is detected

» Anybody can visually check overheat by the color change by glancing without any equipment.

» Silicone material and special dyes detect overheat on cables and terminals.

» Crimping check by its transparent design, preventing loose connection of Cable and Lug

» When the temperature is back to normal the changed colors also comes back to normal. – Reversible

» But when the temperature is back to normal, the Ir-reversible dot or band doesn’t come back to its original color as “overheat history” ;

Overheat history guarantees no way out for oversight of overheat


» UL 224-The Standard for Extruded Electrical Tubing

» RoHS DIRECTIVE 2011/65/EU.

» REACH Regulation(EC) No. 1907/2006

EYECAP-SIT(A) - For Solderless Terminal Lug

EYECAP-SIT(B) - for Tubular Terminal lug 2-Hole

EYECAP-SIT(C) - for Tubular Terminal lug 1-Hole