Wallpenetration - PVC Pipe

Sidewall penetrating panel of PVC Pipe

  • Features and Benefits

    01. It is a standardized product that allows anyone to easily carry out their jobs.
    02. Outstanding flame barrier due to integrated type of FB STRIP (Firestop strip)
    03. Silicon-applied fixed socket does not cause toxic gas from FIREZERO and its accessory in event of fire


    01. Clean up pipe and sleeve.
    02. Roll the pipe with FIREZERO and insert it into the opening.
    03. Secure FIREZERO with clip


  • Sidewall less than PVC 100A

    insulation cap resposive to overheat img2

    1. Check the specification of a penetrating sleeve
    2. Put a Firezero Cap on the pipe.
    3. Fix the Firezero Cap using a clip.
    4. Insert the Firezero Cap until it reaches to the sidewall (Work on both sides)

  • Sidewall PVC less than 125-200A

    insulation cap resposive to overheat img2

    1. Check the opening
    2. Roll the pipe with Firestop strip (100mm*8t*2 folds) and secure it with tape.
    3. Insert the Firestop strip into the sidewall.
    4. Secure the Firestop board on to the sidewall with direct coupling screw. (Work on both sides)
    5. Apply Firestop sealant to the points where pipelines and the Firestop board meet, and the sidewall and the Firestop board meet.